Imagine a world whereby butterflies make the world go round. Whereby butterflies are a means to escape…

This indeed is a reality for two brothers who deal butterflies to their addicted customers for a living. Set in a post apocalyptic East End, all Elliot and Darren have to do is host a party for their boss’ amusement, but will it all go to plan? To me, it felt as if this piece had literally been written yesterday. Although written in 2005, the parallel to the 2011 London riots was extremely haunting. As an audience member, you could feel an angst simmering from the underbelly of the society they were living in. Ciaran Owens’ quick-witted, sharp tongued Elliot plus Frank C. Keogh’s docile inarticulate Darren create the perfect double act making you root for their relationship to be strengthened by what is going on around them.

I have to say that at points, Mercury fur made for an uncomfortable watch, but when first performed in 2005 at the Theatre Royal Plymouth, it was said to be highly controversial in terms of the characters displayed. Philip Ridley’s writing is raw, gritty and packed full of poeticism which makes for a success. I was immediately immersed into this fast paced world, which is due to the strong performances given to each cast member as they really worked well together to bring their world alive. For that reason I give Mercury Fur a 4/5.

Written by Philip Ridley
Directed by Ned Bennett
Performed By Greenhouse Theatre Company

Written by Theatrefullstop