We live in a world whereby we’re defined by multiple markers, labels placed upon us from a young age as to what we are or how we should be. Our identities our most prized possession, and one noted by the various documents we hold to determine who we are. An exploration of the gender transitioning process from female to male, and the searching for identity within doing so, performer Tatenda Shamiso honestly shares their first hand experience of becoming their true selves in production NO ID.
Andrew, the show’s voiceover – an anonymous energy at the end of an ID document helpline serves as an omniscient presence, a presence that in reality doesn’t really exist but one that helps to indirectly build and foster new ground, Shamiso navigating the multiple hoops that need jumping through in order to establish their identity and new life. NO ID guiding us through significant events within Shamiso’s transition journey, from sound clips of friends telling us about Thandie (Shasimo’s name pre-treatment) giving us a better understanding of Shamiso’s childhood, to then visiting a Transgender clinic, receiving a diagnosis of Gender dysphoria from a separate specialist before pursuing transition. Reams of paperwork and analysis that goes into this life changing process reeled across the stage at a point in the show demonstrating the years or discussions, meetings and work that goes into this process.
Shamiso’s personable, humourous approach drives an honest evening, a video segment of the initial stages of Tantenda’s hormonal treatment and consequential changes to the body within their first 6 months adding a necessary, deeper level to the show. Director Sean Ting-Hsuan Wang and assistant director Claudia Casino crafting an insightful show, a fusion of engaging video projections and Shamiso’s first hand account the integral foundations of the evening. An informative watch!
Review written by Lucy Basaba.
NO ID is currently showing until Saturday 7th May 2022 at Theatre Peckham as part of Peckham Fringe. To find out more about the production, visit here…
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