Brown Girls Do It Too: Mama Told Me Not to Come @ Soho Theatre Review

The topic of sex is often shrouded in taboo, commonly associated with graphic depictions and connotations. But this only brushes the surface on an otherwise complex part of humanity. Being comfortable and true to who you are and the connections we cultivate amongst other aspects not necessarily stressed on enough. Offering a sex positive discussion and challenging current narratives, Poppy Jay and Rubina Pabani known for their award winning podcast Brown Girls Do It Too currently available to listen to on BBC Sounds present a live/dramatised version of the podcast at Soho Theatre.

A tongue in cheek production set on opening up the conversation, Brown Girls Do It Too: Mama Told me not to Come dismantles the awkward zeitgeist and fearlessly ventures into the unknown – open discussions revolving around attitudes towards sex and relationships rooting the show in its unapologetic truth. A fusion of anecdotes, skits and contributions from listeners/audience compiling an organic 75 mins.

Jay and Pabani are savvy and observant storytellers that instantly connect with us, both full of wit and charm that calls for guaranteed laughs. Co-directors Sam Hodges and Aneesha Srinivasan construct an audacious double act, one that streams through endless fresh content that has the audience hooked. Both sat on a double bed, surrounded by a collage of 90s pop references adorned on a vast wall upstage, decorated also with the show’s title in bold, sans serif, capitalised neon pink signage and trolls everywhere – Rosanna Vize’s vibrant set alludes to the pair’s Millenial outlook. The night a refreshing look at the topic of sex from the perspective of two young South Asian women who have helped others navigate their own lives in the podcast content that they’ve created, which is a powerful thing!

Written by Lucy Basaba.

Brown Girls Do It Too: Mama Told me not to Come Is currently showing until Saturday 10th June 2023 at Soho Theatre. To find out more about the production, visit here…

Written by Theatrefullstop