Bush Theatre announces its annual window for script submissions

The Bush Theatre, London has today announced that their latest script submissions window will run from 16 January until 5 February.

The Bush is internationally famed for developing the very best of the UK’s leading writers, often through cold submissions or its talent development programmes, which open routes into theatre to people who didn’t previously have access. The theatre has been supporting writers for over 50 years and has most recently helped launch the careers of Ambreen Razia (The Diary of a Hounslow Girl), Sophie Wu (Ramona Tells Jim), Ella Road (The Phlebotomist), and Temi Wilkey (The High Table).

During the window, the theatre will welcome submissions of full-length plays (running at 60 mins or more) from writers based in the UK or Ireland who are not currently represented by an agent. This year two writers will be selected for the Bush Theatre’s Emerging Writers’ Group, the theatre’s literary team will meet with 30 writers and 100 more will receive feedback via email.

Plays needn’t be of a specific genre, theme, or style.  The Bush wants to hear what makes you laugh, makes you angry, makes you sad and what makes you hope.  They want to read stories about now, stories that are contemporary and stories that writers care about and feel need to be told.

Last year the team received over 1,000 commissions. Titilola Dawudu, Associate Dramaturg at the Bush Theatre said, ‘‘Open submissions is one way we get to live out our mission to reach as many artists as we can across the year. I really want to encourage all writers of any age, and whatever their entry has been into theatre, to submit their play

Open Submissions are important to the Bush because we all know how challenging it can be to get a play onto the stage, let alone have anyone read your work. It’s an all-involved process, where our amazing team of readers as well as many of the Bush team get involved.”

Bush Theatre’s Associate Dramaturg Titilola Dawudu and Literary and Producing Assistant Laetitia Somé, discuss open submissions below.

To find out more and to submit your play, visit here…

Written by Theatrefullstop