Geneva Convention @ The Lantern Theatre (Brighton Fringe Festival 2024) Review

An adaptation of two 1929 treatise established pre WWII, The Geneva Conventions, now consisting of four treatise and three additional protocols crafted post WWII in 1949 set out humanitarian conditions of those impacted by conflict, these being wartime prisoners, civilians and military personnel. In a time of increasing conflict post 2020 which saw the beginnings of Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine in 2022, and the decades long tensions between Israel and Palestine resulting in the beginnings of the Israel/Hamas conflict in 2023 – with both conflicts still devastatingly dominating today’s world events, historically we’re at a critical point. Blank Productions mark the dark times that we’re in with Geneva Convention – a tale of what has been and sadly, what is to follow.

Performers Marta Carvalho, Leann O’Kasi, Melissa Sirol and Maria Ziołkowska meander through a puzzle-like hour, one where the pieces don’t necessarily connect to create a uniform conclusion- rather one that depicts the disjointed reality of war – the four echoing eachother – completing each other’s sentences – storytelling – at points, at the heart of the drama depicted, others looking from afar – like an ancient Grecian chorus they offer a meditative energy that begs for you to sit and take note of the horrors currently taking place. Mark C. Hewitt writes a haunting analysis of how humanity deals with war – broken down into four segments – ‘Wounded and Sick’, ‘Maritime’, ‘Prisoners of War’ and ‘Civilians’ – we see and hear from those who these conventions impact the most, no names are mentions, nor destinations, but the knowledge you hold of particular world events help shape the experience for you. Hewitt’s experimentation with structure a welcomed feature of the show, something that works perfectly with our algorithmed world of distorted timelines.

A steady paced, solitary feeling yet connected piece telling of our times – a highly recommended watch!

Review written by Lucy Basaba.

Geneva Convention is currently showing at the Lantern Theatre until Wednesday 29th May 2024 as part of this year’s Brighton Fringe Festival. To find out more about the production, visit here…

Written by Theatrefullstop