Twine @ Yard Theatre Review

Brummie playwright Selina Thompson brings her bold new play Twine to The Yard Theatre in East London, shedding light on the racism embedded within the British adoption system while delving into the inner psyche of both the system and the adoptee. This complex play follows the journey of three characters—Bark, Sapling, and Seed—who are played by Muki Zubis, Nandi Bhebhe, and Angelina Chudhi. These characters represent personas of the unseen writer, Sycamore, as they navigate the emotional and psychological toll of adoption.

Twine is structured like a surreal game show, complete with rules, incentives, and vivid, imaginative settings. The forest setting and costume is kitsch but fun and infuses the dialogue which is rich with metaphors of gardening, roots and family trees.The goal of the characters is to free themselves from the legacy of shame, violence, and silence they’ve inherited.

Nandi Bhebhe’s performance stands out for her energetic physical comedy, adding much-needed levity to the otherwise intense narrative. Music is incorporated in unconventional ways, enhancing the production’s texture. However, the direction falls short of unifying the play, missing the opportunity to create a more cohesive vision and viewing experience.

The influence of thinkers like bell hooks is evident, particularly in the play’s raw honesty and resistance to silence. Twine effectively uncovers hidden truths about the adoption process, especially its emotional and racial complexities. Ambitious, funny, and touching, Twine is a thought-provoking exploration of identity and liberation.

Review written by Tasnim Siddiqa Amin.

Twine was shown at the Yard Theatre from Monday 30th August until Monday 21st September 2024. You can catch the show at Fierce Festival in Birmingham, 16–19 October 2024, to find out more, visit here…

Written by Theatrefullstop