Founder of Gandini Juggling, Sean Gandini speaks to Theatrefullstop ahead of next year's London International Mime Festival about new show, 4×4!
Long before the invention of the all powerful television and the influential internet, juggling amazed and entertained the likes of the rich and powerful in courtyards to the working classes in street fairs and market places. An art form fusing enviable skill and charisma, there’s no wonder it has captured the imaginations of on lookers for centuries. Cue the 21st century, and the much celebrated Sean Gandini marries the marvel of juggling with the complicated nature of mathematics. Ahead of his company, ‘Gandini Juggling’ premiering their new piece ‘4 x 4′ at the ‘London International Mime Festival 2015′, I was able to speak to the company director about performing in over 4500 shows, celebrating 22 years with the company and who he is looking forward to watching at next year’s festival!
Hi Sean, your performance company ‘Gandini Juggling’ are set to premiere their latest work, ‘4 x 4′ at next year’s London International Mime Festival, how are you feeling ahead of the first show?
I am very excited and inevitably nervous. We have tried something very different from the last few shows so will be curious to see how the audience responds.
We are on the final few weeks. We do ballet class in the morning and then do a combination of reviving sections and finish some other sections. We have four very good jugglers and four very good dancers. A lot of the piece is set to Nimrod Borenstien‘s music and I am spoilt from having choreographer, Ludovic Ondiviella who is an ex Royal Ballet dancer, and an Artistic co-ordinator Emma Lister who is also a very good Ballerina. Some of pieces have a complex mathematic backbone, and need some intense concentration to realise.
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