Mr Shadow @ Puppet Theatre Barge Review

Advocates of preserving and celebrating the eclectic art form of puppetry, the Puppet Theatre Barge have been one of the major locations within the UK to showcase the art form, in all of its various incarnations. In an unprecedented year whereby shows have moved online, Drew Colby‘s Mr Shadow welcomes audiences back into a performance space, a light hearted piece of theatre celebrating the ‘live’ aspect of the form.

Morphing into an array of charismatic characters at the blink of an eye, Colby crafts a playful performance space, encouraging for all to participate and anticipate the animals featured within the piece. Colby’s awareness of the show’s length ensures scenes are snappy and not too long, further adding to the show’s magical aspect.

The simplicity of the show’s transformation of the space, with solely lighting projected onto a screen, showcases Colby’s ability to transport all to a world whereby forms shift and suspension of belief is encouraged. The friendly atmosphere established also from the space contributing an organic, authentic feel, Mr Shadow is a show driven by inspiring the imagination.

Review written by Lucy Basaba.

Mr Shadow is currently showing until Sunday 15th November 2020 at the Puppet Theatre Barge. To find out more, visit here…

Written by Theatrefullstop