The human body is an incredible, powerful entity, capable of many things. Examining the potential of what the human body can do when pushed, Company SIGA present Double Bill: Zero|Equilibrium, two pieces of mesmerising dance performed as part of A Festival of Korean Dance 2021.
Opening the evening with Equilibrium, choreographed by Jaeyoung LEE, and performed by Hyuk KWON and LEE,the 30 minute piece examines co-operation and interconnectedness, both dancers working in sync to realise their full potential. Two parts of a whole, the duo experiment with form. As if components of perhaps a larger process, they interlock, playing with geometric sequences to broaden perspective, puzzle-like. Exploration of height offers a humorous element to the evening, reference to the head drawing on the energy and space it takes up, and its integral role of controlling the rest of the body – drawing attention to the physical aspects of the body that we take for granted, each segment drawing on something new. Equilibrium focuses on the subtlety of movement, and how once compounded can have a profound impact. KWON and LEE marvel at magnifying the seemingly simple.
Closing the evening, Company SIGA present Zero, choreographed by Hyuk KWON and performed by Soyeon KIM, Heajin KIM, Hyelim BYEON, Jiyeony AN, Jinyoung YANG, the 25 minute highly energetic, repetitive tone is awe inspiring. Induced into a hypnotic trance, Zerois a test of stamina and endurance, the ensemble maintaining the same buoyant jumping movement throughout. Faces turned away from the audience for the duration of the show, we solely focus on the repetitive movement, this a fantastic example of discipline and commitment. bluechan’s earthy, drum fuelled score heightening the show’s feel of strength and agility, a fantastic piece.
Review written by Lucy Basaba.
Double Bill: Zero|Equilibrium was shown on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th September 2021 as part of A Korean Festival of Dance. To find out more about the production, visit here…
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