Kali Theatre talk about their book ‘THIRTY’, published to celebrate their 30th anniversary championing South Asian Creatives
Having celebrated three decades of creating work championing the voices of South Asian creatives, Kali Theatre have marked the occasion with the publication of their latest project – 30 Monologues and Duologues for South Asian Actors. An innovative resource vital in ensuring representation within the arts, Kali have created a necessary body of work reflective of the South Asian diaspora’s experiences. Having recently launched the book, Kali’s current Artistic Director Helena Bell tells us more about the compiling of the book and what to expect
Hi Helena, Kali Theatre have just launched 30 Monologues and Duologues for South Asian Actors. How are you feeling?
Published by Methuen, the book celebrates 30 years of Kali Theatre’s South Asian women playwrights. How did you approach compiling the book?
Intended for drama school and college students, the book is a great resource for championing representation. What does it mean to be able to create this vital resource?
It feels like a pivotal moment for Kali where we are able to look back and celebrate all the women writers and artists that we have championed over the last thirty years but also to look forwards to the future and hopefully even wider representation. To our knowledge there is no other book like this in the world (solely devoted to publishing monologues and duologues from U.K. plays by South Asian women writers) so it’s a massive milestone and because THIRTY is published by Methuen we know it can be accessed globally from New Delhi to New York! This gives South Asian actors from across the world the opportunity to find audition roles to suit their needs. It’s a unique and hugely necessary resource.
What have you learned/taken away from creating the book?
It took longer than expected to compile and edit but was a perfect pandemic project as there was a bit more time and space than is usual to devote to it. I think it re-confirmed that theatre is a team game. The writers originated the pieces but they have all been so beautifully refined through workshops and performance by actors, directors and dramaturges.
What can creatives expect from the book?
To find out more about the Kali Theatre Company and to purchase a copy of the book, visit here…
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