Globally renowned actor Brian Cox is the latest name set to join BBC Maestro’s online platform of world-class experts. His course, Acting, will shine a spotlight on how to deliver award-winning performances, capture — and hold — an audience’s collective attention, and embody a multitude of iconic characters. Brian’s dedication to his craft has garnered international and critical acclaim across six decades. A classically trained Shakespearean actor, his formidable performances as Logan Roy in Succession, Hermann Göring in Nuremberg, Detective Inspector Nelson in Rat in the Skull and the titular role in Titus Andronicus have earned him an Emmy, a Golden Globe Award, two BAFTAs, and two Olivier Awards.
Across his lessons, Brian will direct aspiring actors through practical exercises designed to help them master both stage and screen. Lessons will delve into character development, script analysis, and the essential techniques to take into their next audition. The course will include a discussion of the key components of acting, insights from a casting director, and a practical workshop led by Brian to help current drama students hone their craft.