In a day where generationally, we’ve witnessed a shift in how prospective couples meet, the online realm dominates interactions. Dating apps now a part of our digital fabric, perfectly curated accounts allow for us to portray ourselves in a light that we’d like to be seen in. Positive attributes understandably pushed to the forefront whereas our flaws – phased out or seldom addressed and with this, hard truths can often present themselves in various forms. Exploring this phenomenon of online dating and the aftermath of meeting someone you possibly envision yourself with, writer Victoria Buse reflects on her latest show Not In the Mood for Quiche Anymore, a resonant piece placing focus on main character, Becks’ hope to meet her dream man online, which she believes she has done, only to discover his criminal conviction. A timely work, especially in light of the current news cycle which has had a heavy focus on prison, Victoria tells us more about what inspired her to explore this narrative further, working with director Michael Gyngell and actor Laura Matthews and her hopes for staging the show in the future.