Originally created for TV, Maynard has been reimagined for the radio world, the audio drama highlighting the eponymous lead’s journey from petty criminal to becoming the owner of his late mother’s Caribbean takeaway store in Brixton. Recently announced as this year’s Imison Award winner, hosted by the Society of Authors and the BBC Audio Drama Awards, the acknowledgement marks a pivotal moment within Maynard‘s creative process, having taken writer Fraser Ayres 15 years to produce. With the virtual ceremony having taken place on Friday 26th March, Fraser reflects on the production’s journey.
Hi Fraser, it’s been recently announced that your audio play, Maynard, has won the 2021 Imison Award. How does it feel?
It feels fantastic to be honest. The Imison Award is such a prestigious award and so well thought of, I do wonder why they gave it to me! To be recognised at that level always feels very good. It was extra special getting it for Maynard as it feels like a really nice finish to its long journey. We’ve been trying to get Maynard heard for 15 years so it’s a bit of a lesson in patience as well!