The Place, London’s leading centre for dance development, creation and performance, is pleased to announce a call out for applications for Choreodrome2023.
The Place, London’s leading centre for dance development, creation and performance, is pleased to announce a call out for applications for Choreodrome2023.
Cryptocurrency has ignited the imaginations of many, a form of digital currency created online with transactions stored on a blockchain (a database recording transactions made), the currency was introduced in 2009, Bitcoin the pioneering brand of coin and perhaps most well known of its kind. Years on from the currency’s creation, Non-Fungible Tokens have also gone onto encourage curiosity – a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain and one that can be sold and traded at the owner’s discretion. Inspired by this recent development within the tech world, dance company AΦE (AE), comprising of founders Aoi Nakamura and Esteban Lecoq combine their technological and choreographic know-how to introduce the initial stage of @Lilith.Aeon – a story based NFT (Non-fungible token) comprising of seven videos exploring concepts of life, death and what lies beyond this. In order to access the project, viewers are asked to purchase $Aeon (AE Coin), AΦE’s brand of social token that can then be traded to access it. Aoi and Esteban tell us more about exploring the project’s existential themes, exploring NFTs and the metaverse and what it means to be apart of this pioneering project.
You’d most likely associate the world’s of Augmented and Virtual Reality with gaming – a form of entertainment enjoyed by gaming enthusiasts worldwide; these technologies allowing for participants to escape the real world for however long they so choose. In order for that to happen, hours of content and various scenarios are programmed to make no 2 gaming experiences the same, AøE’s Whist channels into this lucrative world of gaming, a maximum of 10 participant donning 3D glasses and headphones to experience an auditory visual reality like no other.
What do you think of when you picture your local park? Scenic routes? Picturesque landscapes with ever winding footpaths and well looked after flowerbeds? Or do you visualise construction works? A place abandoned by the local council with nothing more than a broken swing and a park bench? Living life in the city can be fast paced, chaotic and lively, but in amongst all of the chaos you’re guaranteed to wonder past a park, a place guaranteed to contain characters from all walks of life, each with their own story to tell.